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IJHE Bildungsgeschichte

Herausgegeben von Eckhardt Fuchs, Herausgegeben von Rebekka Horlacher, Herausgegeben von Daniel Tröhler, Herausgegeben von Jürgen Oelkers

IJHE Bildungsgeschichte

International Journal for the Historiography of Education 11. Jahrgang (2021) Heft 2

Bildungsgeschichte International Journal for the Historiography of Education 2-2021 Aus dem Inhalt Beiträge – Allgemeine Schulbildung in einer afrikanischen Verfassung: die Fante Verfassung von 1871 in historisch-vergleichender Perspektive [General school education in an African constitution: the Fante constitution 1871 in historical-comparative perspective] – Wale, Delfine und Dinosaurier – Umweltbildung in Populärkultur und Pädagogik der 1990er-Jahre [Whales, dolphins, and dinosaurs – Environmental education in popular culture and education during the 1990s] Debatte – How secular we are – and what this means for research in education Wie säkular wir sind – und was das für die erziehungswissenschaftliche Forschung bedeutet Kolumne – Terri Seddon Interrogating the “now” of crisis, historically: Initial teacher education beyond 2020? Vorschau auf 1-2022 “That could be the core concept of the 1970s Reconceptualization: that the curriculum ought not be self-enclosed, stuck in its own sequence, aligned only with the academic disciplines, apart from world. Reconceptualized, curriculum becomes a complicated conversation across generations, reactivating the past to find the future, an ongoing dialogical encounter in service to conscientization, located in, animated by – as it supersedes – the historical moment and the individual lives of those submerged in it. That is the afterlife of the Reconceptualization.” (William F. Pinar)

Verlag Julius Klinkhardt GmbH & Co. KG
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