BASt A 38e: Annual Report 2015 / 2016 120 S. (23 MB), 111 Abb., 7 Tab., ISBN 978-3-95606-340-4, 2017 Good transport policy making needs scientific advice. For a state system guided by the principles of precaution and safety, it is essential to have an understanding of the application and impact of modern technology, of road safety, mobility and traffic trends, of public health, the environment, energy and climate action, of changing working and living conditions as well as the challenges of a globalized economy. With the Federal Highway Research Institute (Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, BASt), the Federal Republic of Germany has a modern research institution at its side, providing scientifically sound expertise. BASt thereby performs an important bridging function between politics on the one hand and science on the other.