Conflicts, grueling power struggles with difficult children, and destructive behavior daily challenge both teachers and parents. The main cause for disobedience and lack of discipline is a deeper-seated relational conflict between adults and children. Children want to learn; and they want to cooperate - provided their personal integrity and individuality are acknowledged and maintained in a respectful manner. This requires truly equal dialogues with children. Juul and Jensen emphasize the significance of relational competence as the core concept, changing the very nature we see education. They offer relevant alternatives to conventional education and solutions for difficult situations. They want to offer valid alternatives and give teachers the support so urgently needed. About the authors: Jesper Juul, born in Denmark in 1948, is the founder of the renowned Kempler Institute of Scandinavia, which provides 80 percent of all Scandinavian teachers with training in how to treat children and youth. Juul is among the most significant family therapists in Europe. His books have been sold in record-breaking numbers. With his family coaching project familylab he is also active in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Helle Jensen was responsible for conflict counseling at the Kempler Institute in Denmark and Norway. Alongside her work at her own institute, she also teaches courses in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland for familylab and the German-Danish Institute for Family Therapy and Counseling (DDIF) in Berlin and IGfB in Innsbruck. She is a well-known author of numerous articles and co-author of Empathy: It’s What Holds the World Together by Jesper Juul, Peter Høeg et al. Title of the Danish original edition: Pædagogisk relationskompetence – fra lydighed til ansvarlighed © 2002, Jesper Juul, Helle Jensen Udgivet af Forlaget Apostrof, København